Bill Nighy

I'm rather new at noticing the fine work of Bill Nighy. I've seen a few of his films and I always perk up when he is on the screen as he has the uncanny ability to steal every scene he is in. The Girl in the Cafe was no exception. His style is so new and unusual that I want to see all of his films. He sense of comedy is so natural and subtle, unlike many so called comedians. He whole physical presence on the screen is filled with humor when called for, and sometimes when not necessarily called for. His goofy walk, for instance had me in stitches. He is brilliant! What more can I say. I'm so glad I found Bill and his films.


agree with that assessment
I first made his acquaintance in Love, Actually and have gotten some of his British work through NetFlix---like that version of State of Play--much superior to the Russell Crowe version that came out this spring in US

I thought his physical portrayal was just awesome because his performance is so nuanced...
his physical actions are so much more awkward when he is around Gina, but his verbal is really witty, sharp and certainly does not downplay to what must be perceived as person with probably less education...but Gina's comments prove that she is very sharp if self-educated...

I wondered if he wasn't a little bit Asperger syndrome--that can go with high IQ/poor social skills for someone who is just a little bit out of kilter...

I look forward to seeing Nighy--have his edition of the Lycans on my Netflix although I would not go see it in the theater---

"...That's the beauty of argument, Joey. If you argue correctly, you're never wrong..."
