Well I remembered I had commented on this movie some time ago, and luckily I was able to find my own comment :D. A lot has happened to me since, My english has improved, and I like Lawrence found someone about a 2 or 3 months after my first comment. I still do recognize myself in Lawrence especially before, and that's why I still find this movie incredibly powerful, if you just have the smallest understanding of what it means to be like Lawrence, this movie will definately feel like a great movie. And the political message and the awkward but cute chemistry between Lawrence and Gina was quite well done too.
I mostly just went in here to see my old comment because I knew that was me in the old days :).
and a last note, the only moment that just get's completely unwatchable for awkward reasons for me is definately when he keeps insisting on them getting a seperate room, I must admit on this 2.nd watching I skipped past that :D