One of My All Time Favorites

I may be getting old, born in California in 1938: the height of the movie era. I remember meeting Frank Sinatra in a theater, Bing Crosby at a war benefit, Ann Sheridan, Leo Carrillo at his ranch, the Andrew Sisters at the Naval Base, and my sister's favorite friend Shirley Temple in Hawaii where my father was station. Guess I was fortunate. I just mention this to explain the reason for my love for the cinema and actors. Its with sadness that I feel that American movies and actors have lost their way in the global entertainment community. Being a collector of what I feel are movies, I have about 100 movies out of several thousands that I find were seeing over again. This is one of them. The actors performance, Bill Nighy and Kelly MacDonald, do reach you and stir your emotions. This movie is not a "blood and guts" or "special effects" creation but a superbly performed story of two people by great artists. View this movie with an open-mind to the acting, the emotion, and the delivery. And ask yourself, did you feel Lawrence's loneliness, weakness and his sadness; and Gina's sweetness, strength and her empathy.


well said.. i completely agree as this brilliant film can be enjoyed on so many levels

Have you seen "Starting Out in the Evening(2007)"

BTW would you care to share your list of "100 movies out of several thousands that I find were seeing worth over again.." with us



Excellen comment, Ron. I'm much younger than you but I totally agree with you - The Girl in the Cafe is one of My All Time Favorites, too, for pretty much the same reasons as yours.
