Sex scene?

I posted yesterday and was in error. I thought The Kelly character spoke with an Irish accent but in reading her profile I see she is from Scotland which makes the post I was referring to correct and me incorrect.
On another matter I received a long distance call from my brother just as Kelly was getting undressed and climbing into bed with Lawrence. I quickly turned on the closed caption but not fast enough! By the time I tried to read the captions while listening to my brother I pretty much missed the scene. Did they actually have sex or jusr cuddled?


Nothing is shown, but it is implied that they had sex. Gina says that if he can't fall asleep after what she's done for him, it will have been a wasted 40 minutes.


She sang baa baa black sheep for 40 minutes. Lol! I thought the Lawrence-Gina "relationship" didn't work at all.



It always seemed like a father-daughter relationship, from the bit I was watching (the scene where they first get to the hotel and dispute over who gets the bed and couch, etc etc etc..) but then when she was like, "Aren't you going to kiss me goodnight?" I was getting a little skeptical about it. And then the "sex scene" happened and I thought, wtf? But yah know... I wish they had just kept it "father-daughter." It probably wouldn't have been so ...yeh. hahaha. Just my opinion


It was never father and daughter, he was just repressed.

Do you really think its haha for two people to have sex that aren't the same age? Bet you change your mind later, (don't listen to to that snotnose that will be laughing at you...)


You mean the fact that men over 25 get old and gross and ewwww and never have sex? Believe me, I found out it isn't a fact anymore when you become over 25 yourself. One wonders what was so great about those spotty boys. No, really, the age gap is the spice in that love story and it really works great in my eyes.

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defenitely not what i said. but from what i saw and interpretted for myself (and these are my opinions - i believe that they are allowed, are they not? i'm not forcing you to agree with me) they seemed father-daughterish at that moment. it was the way that they responded to each other (in more than just verbal interaction), and such..

sorry you interpreted my opinion that way, though. it's not really my problem and i really don't care. ciao


Surely didn't want to forbid You to have opinions. Sorry, if it appeared that way. No need to get upset. Your comment just sounded a little like the popular teenage opinion that ''men'' over 25 are automatically grandfathers. And I couldn't see a father/daughter relation in this at all. Lawrence surely was no father figure in any way. <--- My opinion.

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If theirs was a "father-daughter" relationship, then how come neither of them asked the hotel to send up a separate cot when they found the suite had only one bed?


Don't you remember in That Tango hit man picture, the old grungy hit man told the call girl "call me Daddy!" hehehehhe



First of all, what a spectacular movie. I just finished watching it about 20 minutes ago on cable...
As for the unnecessary controversy regarding Lawrence and Gina's relationship, there is no alternative interpretation to it. The hard fact is that their relationship never revealed a "hint" of fatherly-daughterish bond. If one is not able to appreciate the relationship between Lawrence and Gina, then I would say that they never got to understand the movie. From the moment when lawrence sits next to gina in the cafe, their chemistry begins to develop. The growth however is subtle, yet obvious in its orientation. We, as viewers begin to connect with them both and our instincts inform us of the fact that they both "feel something" for each other. This sign appeared to me as soon as lawrence sat next to gina in the cafe. After that, it was a matter of observing each of the developmental stages that occur in the path of their relationship. However, Father-daughter?????????. NO! Please do not ruin the movie for yourself.


Hooray to this. Your posting should be framed and hung-up on the message board's wall. I absolutely felt the chemistry (which makes it nearly impossible to watch the both of them in ''State Of Play'' now), and it was a great wonderful one. You've chosen the right words.

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Beautifully said !
I am crazy for this guy.
I just "discovered" him after watching the movie.
I do feel that they left the romance part of the movie and dumped us flat.


And there you discovered someone for sure. ;o) The scene when her plane is leaving did really send me goose bumps. Him at that fence... Wow! One nearly could say it's a pity that the film HAD to be romantic AND political. It could've been sort of a two-parter. The political and the romantic side.

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definitely was not intended to be a father-daughter relationship from the beginning. my dad wouldn`t do that little rock star jump thing after i said i`d go to iceland with him. ...the relationship is sorta on par with that portrayed in _lost in translation_


I'm not really all that sure it matters if they had sex. They loved each other, as cornball as that sounds. Perhaps the only flaw in this movie was letting the political message play as loud or louder than the love story.

And on a complete tangent, is Kelly MacDonald cute, or what?

"At this moment, this is me at my most... masochistic."


They had sex.


I certainly hope they had sex!!!!
Age difference or no, I can't imagine any adult, intelligent woman turning down an opportunity to have sex with Bill Nighy!!!



Here Here!!!!! I certainly wouldn't say no!


Hey! Take a number and queue up!!!


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Maybe she just spent 45 minutes trying to get him hard... He is, after all, quite old... Which would explain the "this doesn't usually happen to me" comment made by Lawrence...

(And I doubt he brought viagra with him to Iceland...)



There's no actual evidence that they had sex. The screan faded to black. For all we know they could've been jumping up and down on the bed for 45 minutes.


Jumping up and down for 45 minutes? A guy who must be at least 120 years old, or whatever you're probably thinking in Your teenage-minded mind? Bad news for You: You'll be getting older, too. Every second. See? Older! Again! Bwahahahahaaaaa...

*disappears in a black cloud of smoke*

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Yes... You and your "we get older every three seconds, *snap*" tactic...

Except I too, am a cloud of smoke... So therefore I do not age! Bwahahahahahaaaaaa...!!!

*disappears in a black cloud of fart*


I think that they had sex, I know that Lawrence surely wanted to, I love the way he started being perky and happy once he met her (when he jumped up in the air, I loved that) I thought it was a sweet story, but I also thought it was doomed from the start.

p.s. not all older men have trouble getting it up!


I absolutely agree. Well, with 15 I was convinced a man with 40 would be an old men. Good we all rise and learn, huh? At least most of us. ;o)

I loved that scene when he was jumping. Men his size shouldn't jump, but in this case it looked somewhat cute. The story surely wasn't the most original of film history, but Bill and Kelly made it something very special with their acting.

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Well thank you all of you for speaking up for the sexiness of older men. My husband is 30 years my senior and I wouldn't have him any other way. For me, it has to start at least at 50..... And if you have all read the latest research, the more sex we have,it keeps us healthy and living longer, so these sexy older men are the best medicine for themselves!


I just watched this movie and they definitely had sex. When he's saying that this is unusual for him, he means having sex. He's very lonely and doesn't have sex very often because he's always working. And by the way, I freaking loved this movie. Bill and Kelly are both heartbreaking and funny and sexy. They both did a cracking good job! ;P


I guess, those people know pretty well what the scene was meant like. Jealousy I think. Women DO fall for guys like Bill's character, but rarely for computer nerds finding negative sides to absolutely everything. ;o)

Bill and Kelly had a wonderful chemistry, didn't they? There may be cooler scripts but surely not more heart-gripping love stories.

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They did have a great chemistry, they always do. They were great together in "State of Play". I keep that on my TiVo cuz I love it so damn much ;P


I find it hard to watch ''State Of Play'' since then, because I always expect the both of them to do something melancholic or romantic...

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she was just in prison for who knows how long - she wanted some sex action. i got the impression that she wanted him for most of the movie, and he definitely wanted her. but of course he was very meager the entire time just as he was about everything in his life.


I gather from your post that you consider yourself to be young, so I think I will give you a tip so that when you get older, you are not taken by surprise. People do not suddenly lose their sexual urges when they reach a certain age. Active sex lives are quite common amongst the 60+ age groups. You may be horrified to hear that now but I can assure you when you get to that age, you will be delighted to discover that most of the plumbing still works, even if the "water heater" is not as efficient as it used to be. Still, most people are happy to have one "hot" shower a day.


it was implied. this movie just had too much "taste" to show more. and his pajamas were off after the cut. it was kinda cheesy and stupid. stupid love stories.



Well, I took it like he couldn't get out of his old skin. Would be realistic. But I also sort of waited for some eruption of passion. On the other hand, it wouldn't have fitted into the melancholic basic mood.

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I know what You mean, and I would be a liar if I'd tell You I'd be decided whether I liked it that way or not. Have seen Bill on ''the Men's Room''. He can be passionate, oh yes, he can.

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Honestly? I think that True Blue is one thing I still need to watch. It's pretty hard to get hands on all of his stuff when one is sitting in darn Germany. :o(

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Could anyone tell me what Gina sayd right after Laurence kissed on the cheek.
I hope this would help me to understand what happends next.



if i remembered right after he kissed her on the cheek she just whispered Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. Then thats when she approaches him a little later asking if he's sleeping and he says i've been trying to act dead since 1 am and it's not working (or something about that) and then you know the rest. You know in the beginning i thought it was weird about the ages of the main characters but then as the movie developed i realized her attraction to him. in my opinion she was getting very attached to him at the end because she realized he was just a very sweet shy gentleman who treated her gentle and sweet and respectfully unlike the boyfriend she was with before. Do you think they got back together at the end when he got back because that would be a really great ending.


It would be a nice thought to think they ended up as a pair. Despite the age gap they made a cute couple, I think just because both weren't the perfect Hollywood faces.

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lady finger why would it seem like an interlude?

yes it would be a great ending it just seems somehow they compliment each other and i could see it develop more



i understand your viewpoint. i just thought she found comfort of being with a gentleman who has a great position in society but then is so shy and ackward with her.

i just saw 'love actually' and he is great in a sense that he can be so versatile with the roles he plays.



exactly, i agree with you.

i'm sure i've probably seen him in other movies but he just like what you say slips away.

but his roles in love actually and girl in cafe was extremely different.

i loved both movies


Maybe I'm wrong but in the german translation they have sex for only 25 minutes. *s*


No, 45 minutes, checked it.
God, did someone else get sick by the German title? G8 auf Wolke 7? (G8 on cloud 9)

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"God, did someone else get sick by the German title? G8 auf Wolke 7? (G8 on cloud 9)"

Me. Abso-freakin-lutely! German title tranlations always suck big time. And often there's a subtitle given to it. For what, i'm asking? Those subtitles do suck even more (if possible). Somewhere there's a person who gets paid to "invent" that crap.

Luckily i didn't let that kill my interest and curiosity for the film, which is almost a miracle to me. Sheer excellence. The best flick i've seen in a long time.



How can sex between two adults who have feelings and affection for each other ever be considered dirty? Sex is what adults who like each other share and enjoy! I was glad they had sex, it made their friendship complete, it consummated it.


I was frustrated that there wasn't more---at least a makeout scene or something. The buildup (before she started yammering her mouth) reminded me of Patricia Arquette and Liam Neeson in Ethan Frome--much better (hot!) payoff in that movie.


It seems like we ought to regard the sex/no sex question like Gina takes in Lawrences' inquiry about "whose kid it was" -- does it matter? They shared *something* and the byproduct was a step toward saving the world.

Goonies (and neomaxizoomdweebies) never say die!
