Do People Really Care About Africans?
I find it extremely unbelievable that a young white british female
who seems to have very little going for her in her own personal life,
would actually care more about poor impoverished africans she doesn't know
or see, than anything else in her life.
I don't mean to sound cold-hearted, but people like her who are trying to
get her own country and her government to put poverty of poor africans
at the top of the list is RIDICULOUS and STUPID.
Why is the burden on her country or the western nations to be responsible
for giving everything to the poor nations? These poor nations are the same
nations that later on hate you, burn your flags, immigrate to your country to
takeover your communities, neighborhoods, and pretty much replace you in your own
native lands.
It's a very complicated and complex matter. It's not so black and white like
she makes it. Most of these countries that are impoverished is due to their own
corrupt governments, crazy religious factions and rebel groups, and they basically create
the problem themselves, yet all the blame is constantly put on the white western nations????
I definitely think everyone should help one another, but I don't think it's the responsibility of UK or the G8 or whatever to babysit these poor impoverished african or muslim nations. They are out breeding you by 12 to 1 margin. You and your own people and nation is dying and shrinking, yet you think the desperate people in need are the 2 billion africans? People die all the time. It's not like it just started happening now. That's been the reality of humanity and esp. in africa, where thousands die a day from poverty, but millions more are born.
We need to start focusing on taking care of ourselves because our own nations are dying of low fertility rates, dying of diseases like cancer and all sorts of other *beep* that comes with eating our heavily processed foods that we eat. Our own people and society are killing themselves due to mental illness, suicide, depression, societal stress, unemployment, taxes, debt, no morals, no values, no hope........ so forgive me if I don't want to care about the 2 billion africans and muslims out there who live in poverty. Why don't their own fellow nations take care of them? It should be the job of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Indonesia etc and other wealthier off nations to take care of their own people and their own societies.
This girl in the cafe is NAIVE and Dumb. It started out really cute and nice, but once she got a hold of some information, all of a sudden she became the god damn queen of the world out for justice for the billions of poor dark skinned peoples? WTF.
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