Oscar time for Belluci
It's about time, I think by the sounds of this movie she could give an unmissable performance.
"The way things are perceived dictates ones course in life" - Gillian Anderson
It's about time, I think by the sounds of this movie she could give an unmissable performance.
"The way things are perceived dictates ones course in life" - Gillian Anderson
i know its about time this woman starts getting better roles in america...she deserves an oscar damnit...lets hope this is a great story etc. we all know she will be brilliant as always
sharehope so
C'mon Jelena!US Open 07 GO JJ!
better roles in america? i doubt it.
Dam U IMDB! I can't get any work done with you around!
Come on people, Schumacher's an actual good director. So he made a few mistakes in recent years, who hasn't? Monica Belluci is good casting, would work great with Schumacher.
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