MovieChat Forums > Lincoln (2012) Discussion > Was Lincoln depressed?

Was Lincoln depressed?

In the film he walked slowly, for the most part his head was bowed down, and his movements were also rather slow. Could he have been depressed or had a another health problem? For being only 56 when he was assassinated he moved more like an 80 year old man.

And by the way, I loved the film.


He had the weight of 4 years of blood-soaked war, the slave issue, and the reconstruction issue set firmly on his shoulders, not counting the family issues with his wife. The man was bone-weary tired, bowed, but refused to break, as he saw himself the only man up to running the country at the time.



You do know, don't you, that was Daniel Day-Lewis playing Lincoln, not Lincoln himself, who "walked slowly"...with "head bowed down"...and "movements rather slow."


No doubt, Daniel Day-Lewis was directed to move in such a manner. So then the question becomes... did the director depict Lincoln as being depressed?


Agreed, and perhaps that's what the OP really meant.



You get that way when you are President during the day and a vampire hunter at night. A person needs to sleep.


Very good point.
