better than i expected-enjoyed it.
it was amazing how they put this film together.i saw it on
showtime and at first thought it was a live(real actors and
so on)action then saw it was computer done(everything).amazing
is all i can say especially ray winstone who voiced beowolf.
other voices used were great too and they caught their images
perfect(except ray who is an older and pudgy figure,but made
him look like a fit warrior of old).see history's channel
'clash of the gods'which details beowolf legend which this
movie comes very close too.i highly recommend history's 'clash
of the gods' if u enjoy hearing about old legendary heros and
villians.they do a great story on hercules(far different than
steve reeves movies)and on zeus and the titans and so on.just
to repeat amazing well done film.loved the music also.