MovieChat Forums > Beowulf (2007) Discussion > Agreement was ended?

Agreement was ended?

I've seen this movie plenty of times before, (not a fanatic, but it was quite good). Anyway, can anyone explain exactly how the agreement between Beowulf and Grendel's mother had ended? When the horn was returned, it was stated that "the horn has been returned, the agreement has ended"....I was trying to figure out why it ended? Did Beowulf do (or not do) something he shouldn't (or should) have done? This part confused me completely...


I think the golden horn being returned symbolized the sorceress' wrath after producing an offspring from the King. When Hrothgar fathered Grendel the horn was returned, and when Beowulf produced the golden dragon bastard with Angelina the Golden horn was again discarded by her.



The horn wasn't returned because the agreement had ended.

The agreement ended because the horn was returned.

As long as the horn was in her possession, the agreement was valid. But when Unferth's slave found the horn and returned it to Beowulf, that ended the agreement.

"What the f-ck is the internet?" -Jay, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back


Okay, that makes sense. But then how did the slave of Unferth find the horn lying simply (I believe on the shore near the cave where Grendel's mother lives) in the open. What I don't understand is how the slave came to not only possess, but to find the horn if the Mother had it in her possession? I can see if he went in there and stole it from her (which is HIGHLY unlikely), but to simply find it there?

Unless she planted it out in the open because she knew the slave would find it and therefore she could cause trouble, it doesn't make much sense..

