Snow, Glass, Apples

You should all read this short gem by Neil Gaiman, found in the short collection ‘Smoke and Mirrors’.

You can see how something as old as Beowulf, or Snow White can benefit from some artistic license. All you nay say-ers perhaps would be better off watching the many other filmed versions of this story.
I hate to see this beautiful and very Gaiman-esq screenplay getting heat because it’s not spot on to it’s original poem.

Everyone loved say…The Dark Knight, and that film was an off-interpretation of source material; everyone knows the Joker has no Chelsea Smile, nor is his white skin an application of make-up. No one criticized Nolan’s ‘Realistic’ take on Batman (well a few of you did, but some of you fan boys are utterly insane).
Be open to interpretation, or if not, just stick with the Poem anyway.

In fact you should be complaining about how Beowulf Shouldn’t even be a film, that it has no business being a film, after all the story is one of the most used plots ever on film.
It's been done before, why not go to the 13th Warror page and say 'This is Beowulf...what a rip off, it's pretty much Beowulf, this is an injustice!'
And then die.
