MovieChat Forums > Beowulf (2007) Discussion > Beowulf looked like another actor

Beowulf looked like another actor

I though for sure Beowulf was that other UK sounding actor. You know, the thinner, younger looking blonde guy who looks just like Beowulf. Then I get on imdb and I see that some other guy played him, though he looks more like Beowulf's tubby 2nd in command.

So did they do this just to mess my mind or what? You guys know who I'm talking about probably, right? If I don't learn what's up I'm gonna hit somebody soon. Sorry if this has been covered, but it's late and I just checked the first page of the board.

Please help me.


Nevermind... I just found on page 3 that others thought it was Sean Bean too. That's who I meant it looked like. I wonder if he got paid for the use of his likeness, or what.



I would say I resembled Beowulf in my younger days too lol I wonder who they used as a model? He's far too realistic looking to be made from scratch imo.


I agree. I thought it was Sean Bean too until I heard Winstone's horrible accent. Or maybe I should have said 'erd 'is 'orrible asent. I like Winstone normally but he didn't fit in this flick.


yes he did fit in...wisntone was awesome as beowulf!

Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM BEOWULF!


You're right.
If ever there was a job for Mr. Bean, this was it. I like Raymond, but he was seriously miscast.


I though Winstone was fine, but Beowolf did look exactly like Sean Bean.

Movies I've seen in 2010:



Ahhhh omg I was thinking the same thing, good to know I'm not the only one!!! Too bad Beowulf wasn't actually played by him...

You buy my tortilla?


I think they owe Sean Bean a paycheck.


I thought Beowolf looked a lot like Ray Winstone in Scum. More solid looking and idealised but it was definately Winstones younger face to me.


I looked like Sean Bean 20 years ago and so did my wife.


Actually, despite what any of u say, Ray Winestone WAS the facial model for Beowulf. This is a fact.

It wasn't a straight off model of his face, but Ray was sort of like the "the basis" or whatever u want to call it.



Yup and if one were to take Winstones face from Scum...airbrush it...strengthen the jaw...add long hair and put on a thick neck and a muscular frame it would look like Beowolf. Winstone wasnt always an overweight middleaged chap.


Yep, exactly

