If this was never made

My experience at work next to my supervisor last year would have been much more enjoyable. None of that lines from the CT show. I hadn't even seen it, but my supervisor was obsessed with some of the lines. Even the "Call Me bubbbles darling everybody does" He always said that, and got annoyed when he had a chance to shout it out and didn't take it and noticed later.
As I said I haven';t seen it before, not that interested just now, but is it really THAT good that people shout out lines from it?


No its terrible. Utter crap.

Hey look! It's Lambert and Butler!
Jack: Shut it Bobby, you're the only fag in here.


Good to know for sure I am not missing much by not watching it. I have just seen some people obsessed with it.


erm call me bubbles is from little britain get ur facts right please numpty.

Oh, Dr. Beeching what have you done?
There once were lots of trains to catch


Allright, i don't watch that either, he did also have that am i bothered thing No idea why he kept saying it.


yeah its annoying if someone keeps repeating it.

Oh, Dr. Beeching what have you done?
There once were lots of trains to catch


Am I bovvered??


erm call me bubbles is from little britain get ur facts right please numpty.

catherine tate rules!

emily: unless youve got some prior commitment, some hideous skirt convention you have to got to
