MovieChat Forums > The Catherine Tate Show (2004) Discussion > Do you reckon any complainers have actua...

Do you reckon any complainers have actually watched this show?

What I mean is: whenever anyone complains that the show is crap, complains that Catherine Tate isn't funny or that her show is 'offensive' and stupid, they ONLY EVER use Lauren as an example.

It's like, they've only ever seen clips and just 'reckon' it's rubbish.

Even people on T.V and in papers.

You sir, are a bearded imbecile.


Also, they never give reasons for it not being good, all they ever say is "It's awful." or "Tate can't write."
Never, what's actually wrong with the show or why it's not funny, just that it is.

You sir, are a bearded imbecile.


I completely agree. Hello!

"Please stop!"

"Why? Give me one reason why!"

"Because you're breaking my heart..."


As long as you ignore that Bernie the irish nurse, this is a brilliant show. People just concentrate on Lauren.

You sir, are a bearded imbecile.



How the hell can they not watch it?

Damn, I forgot we were in A Clockwork Orange.

Adam, put Daddy down.


I'm a huge fan. I watch it every time BBC America runs it. Never tire of it.

Just love the comic brilliance of 'the ginger hate campaign', Elaine's marriage to Jeremiah and that candle in the last part had me on the floor in hysterics - the flatulent snob, the wife who thinks everything happens to her, the foot-in-the-mouth skits...I luv 'em all. The supporting cast is absolutely above and beyond any we have in the States. The SNL cast are amateurs compared to them.

I lite up every time her show appears on the Comcast cable program schedule.


cs its not funny.
theres no substance to the comedy or most of the characters, the sketches are repetetive and annoying and most are just variations or copys of characters weve seen in other better sketch shows such as the fast show.
there are literaly about 3 good jokes in every show, which is not enough for me.
its not witty enough to do be in your face comedy and its not clever enough to match other shows such as south park, flight of the conchords, help.......

though tbh i probably wouldnt dislike it so much if it wasnt so terribly overated and used in the media and that..


I haven't really felt an urge to contribute to this thread but when someone labels CT as "overrated" I feel compelled to respond. IMO the one sketch show that is completely overrated is Little Britain. Afterall, I haven't come across talking dolls and mugs of Catherine Tate but there's PLENTY of Little Britain merchandise. As far as I'm concerned Little Britain is moronic drivel that only appeals to chavs. Tate's characters are far more realistic and believable than any of the ludicrous caricatures on Little Britain. Tate is vastly UNDERRATED and disrespected IMO. Also this arguement that Tate's show is repetitive doesn't really hold up. When I was at school the 'buzz' phrase was "whatever" and it was said DOZENS of times EACH DAY and EVERYDAY. So a character like Lauren is repetitive because that's how it is with schoolkids whose vocabulary is limited to the 'buzz' phrase of the moment.

Arrogance is THINKING you're great
Egotism is KNOWING it
