MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2004) Discussion > my GOD that girl has an annoying voice

my GOD that girl has an annoying voice

Jane, I mean. I'd listen to Rosanne sing the national anthem over Nuthatchgeronimo or whatever it was any day. Movie was decent enough, but I couldn't get over how incredibly ugly Jane was and what a terribly nasally voice she had.


she irritated me caus i thought she sounded like kermit the frog =x


When I first heard her speak, I was kind of shocked at how harsh her voice was. It was a little jarring... But it seemed she might have toned it down for the rest of the movie or something, because I thought it was fine after that. Unless I just got used to it, haha.


Yeah her voice was a bit much in the beginning, but by the end it was fine. I wholeheartedly disagree with you when you say she's ugly though, I thought she was rather attractive.

macaroni, let me finish, salad.
- GOB Bluth


i didn't think her voice was NEARLY as bad as tun's. i can't believe you thought she was ugly!!


I thought the same thing. I wasn't sure if I could watch the entire movie but either I got use to it, or she toned it down.

Friendship’s more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.


I didn't have a problem with her voice. Perhaps you're just not used to SE Asian languages & find it jarring.

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.



If you go to Thailand, you will find most of the girls speak like that.


Yeah, her voice bugged me in the beginning too, but as everyone else said, it was toned down later in the movie.

And she's a decent looking girl, not very attractive by Asian standards, pretty normal looking though. Which is good, because it's tiring getting all hot people to play the main roles, very cliche. Also most of the time they can't act either, ei. Jessica Alba.


I didn't notice her voice...she still pissed me off though...and she was ugly. She looked like the troll doll on my dresser. So I punched it...And that Tun guy pissed me off...What was so great about Jane? The ghost girl Natre was hotter....but he didn't care about her cause he shes the ghost on his back hahaha oh...and he's bald

People are just like slinkies, they have no real purpose but its fun to roll them downstairs.

