MovieChat Forums > Wildfire (2005) Discussion > Protesting Until the Two-Part Finale

Protesting Until the Two-Part Finale

I have decided to protest and not watch any episode until the two-part finale!! I'm very upset that the writers (and everyone involved with the show...for that matter) have decided to give away the ending so soon!


noooooooooooooo the show is being canceled because of low ratings Please reconsider


I know and it's one of my favorite shows and I'll really miss watching it, but I absolutely hate when a show gives too much away too soon...even if I love the show! I like shows that keep me in Lost! I felt like I needed to make a statement. Sorry!


actually...has nothing to do with viewers; tv guide said it's because it's on abc family, which has a high turnover of shows. It likes to be fresh and new.

I agree; i'm so over this show. Tired of the same story line all the time! This show completely lost it's focus; every show is the love triangle and it's really sickening. No way 2 guys would go back and forth over a girl that treats people like dirt!



no offense but i don't really think you not watching a couple episodes is really gonna get noticed. so because no one is really gonna care (not to be mean!) just watch them, since as the post a few above said the series is in serious danger of being cancelled anyways.


no one will care unless u have that stupid nielsen box on ur tv


hahaa that made me laugh - but ya its true. just watch the show, because its actually worse to not watch. we need more ratings and if ur tvs not monitored it wont matter just enjoy the last episodes while you can.



Great, it seems u know how the story ends. Please tell me.....

