MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Miller says it is still happening.

Miller says it is still happening.

I don't see why they cannot just make a smaller movie for $60, 70 million that has him honing in his powers or fleshing out the character better?


Ezra is looking to re-write or supply his own script in conjunction with Grant Morrison.


not likely, no momentum, will reboot Batman first.

Update 1/14/20: yep I was right. Pattinson's Batman is on the way.


But Ezra showed up on CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths Episode 4, meeting Gustin's Flash in the Speed Force. Cool cameo, no clue it was going to happen.


It was going nowhere, just like this project. John Wesley Shipp (and, yes, I know his sexual preference) is 10 times the man that Miller is. Miller is wrong on every conceivable level, but most of all in the scrotum department. Sadly, that probably has market research identifying him as the perfect cartoon hero for today.

Can you say “premature?” Sure you can.
