MovieChat Forums > Dirty Discussion > didn't get it (spoilers)

didn't get it (spoilers)

I just didn't really understand what was going on, did clifton collins character contact internal affairs to report cuba gooding for the murder that he actually did himself ? it just doesn't make any sense ..was he having a tyler durden moment ? the impression i got he wasn't trying to frame cuba so what was he doing.

by the way this film was very crap, it could just be that i didn't understand it, but i didn't really understand donnie darko and i thought that was great.

It was quite well filmed (all that ghost rubbish was a bit dodgy though) but the dialogue & characters were totally unbelievable. it wasn't patch on training day and it ripped some bits straight out of crash.

all in all this film was total dog sh*te. good actors & quite well filmed , but with a script that bad, you just can't polish a turd.


I think the key is "redemption is remembrance" -- Sancho's tattoo. (by the way, some people groused about the tattoo being not reversed in the mirror, but a lot of gang tattoos are inked backwards, so they are visible right way in the the mirror). anyway, Sancho has blocked the true nature of events. he has to confront his memory and his conscience before he can approach redemption. he's a gangbanger with an attack of conscience, a dirty cop with an attack of conscience. of course he's going to to go through some confusion. he was going to confess not to the shooting, but to all the corrupt things he had done as a corrupt cop. leaving his partner out of it. he had plenty to confess apart from the shooting. I loved this movie and thought it was better, deeper than Training Day. And given the timing of production schedules, there is of course no way that anything in this movie was lifted from Crash -- a severely morally compromised softheaded movie, by the way, compared to this. Favorite line in Dirty: "Everybody talks about the day of their death as if today is not the day."


My favourite line from Dirty was the reference to Taxi Driver:
"Someday a real rain's gonna come and wash all the scum off the street."


"but in the desert it doesn't rain, so we have to do all the scum-washing ourselves"
