didn't get it (spoilers)
I just didn't really understand what was going on, did clifton collins character contact internal affairs to report cuba gooding for the murder that he actually did himself ? it just doesn't make any sense ..was he having a tyler durden moment ? the impression i got he wasn't trying to frame cuba so what was he doing.
by the way this film was very crap, it could just be that i didn't understand it, but i didn't really understand donnie darko and i thought that was great.
It was quite well filmed (all that ghost rubbish was a bit dodgy though) but the dialogue & characters were totally unbelievable. it wasn't patch on training day and it ripped some bits straight out of crash.
all in all this film was total dog sh*te. good actors & quite well filmed , but with a script that bad, you just can't polish a turd.