Great Movie

Looking at the posts I think what's happening is that some people are coming to Dirty after they've watched a whole boatload of action pics. So when this movie doesn't fit their expectations, they react negatively -- terrible movie, couldn't follow it, etc. Then there's a whole other crowd that reacts saying it's a cool movie, great performances, twisty drama. Those people might be more in tune with an art house style experience. Chris Fisher has one foot in both camps. He's always done really gnarly crime movies, but he was also in Sundance one year. If you see Dirty as an action film that doesn't require you to leave your brains at the door, then I think you can recognize it as a great psychological study.


Coming from Chicago, this movie was real. It was on the mark. Loved it. Live the streets and you will know what is real and what is Hollywood. That movie was real. That's the way I remembered Chicago.

San Diego, Ca Indie Filmmaker
