MovieChat Forums > Dirty Discussion > People who compare this to 'Training Day...

People who compare this to 'Training Day' are idiots.

seriously. morons.


give me a break, this is Training Day ripoff. They even used some of the same dialogue


who cares, even Tarantino rip off from movies


"Dirty" IS nothing but a "Training Day" rip-off.

I'd rather watch episodes of the hit TV Show, "The Shield" on FX, than watch "Dirty." The story was WEAK, and the acting wasn't that good.

A waste of Cuba Gooding Jr.'s talent.


This is a rip of of training Day. I wonder if Cuba watched Training Day 100 times to prepare for the role

Yes my spelling Sucks, But If you dont like it Kill yourself


My *beep* :D

Yeah well this movie sux if you compare it to Training Day, but the movie wasnt THAT bad, I enjoyed it, but thats bout it.


you twats act like training day was the first dirty cop movie ever made. i wonder if you people even watched the movie. i wonder what caused you to think it was a rip off. i can see it now "oh a dirty cop movie....must be a rip off of training day".


I wouldn't necessarily say it was a rip off Training Day, because as stated earlier, T D was not the first dirty cop movie ever made. However, you do see elements, other than from T D, from these films

The Deer Hunter

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. There may be more. I thought it was entertaining if nothing else.


Is "Moron" your first or last name? Will you take barbiturates?


hmm.. i thought this movie was great.

training day was great aswell. im sad to see all these negative responses.

perhaps you just wanted another training day?
