go to google and type in 'rampart scandal', 'david mack', 'rafael perez' or 'biggee smalls' and find out how deep, widespread and intense the corruption was for the real rampart scandal/cops... they make this movie look like a disney movie... somebody still needs to do the DEFINITIVE rampart scandal flick, but the problem is the *beep* is still going on
True, and I'm not trying to restart the "Training Day" vs. "Dirty" debate, but I prefer "Training Day," "Dark Blue," and "The Shield" (anyone else notice that Tevon was in Dirty?)
"Colors" also covers similar LA gang/cop territory (though without the corruption, just excessive force,) and "Internal Affairs" is a well-acted police corruption thriller (though without the gangs.)
internal affairs was grossly underappreciated... colors a true classic... i think both dirty and training day, ultimately, owe their roots to colors...
Yeah, but I think they never showed anything positive police officers do. All the cops did in this film was show how blantantly unethical, and illiegal they could be. All the couple in the Lexus had to do was made a simple accusation and they would be in deep trouble. This movie made it look like a cop can do this stuff unchecked. That's a crock. I'm not trying to sound racial, but if a couple in a Lexus vs. some getto piece of garbage pitched a b!tch.....I think the Lexus couple would see an immediate response.
to the original poster - i had no idea that biggie smalls had something to do with the rampart scandal - thanks for the info, i will check this out... to boz 705 - i think that the couple in the lex was way too shocked to even think of memorizing the cops names (anyway salim's name tag was upside down :-)))), i guess they wanted to get out of there ASAP.