MovieChat Forums > Dirty Discussion > Gaping plot holes (Spoilers, lots of the...

Gaping plot holes (Spoilers, lots of them)!!!

Everyone keeps saying how this movie is a "Training Day" ripoff. That may be true but it is not what makes this a bad one. Most things today are ripoffs anyway, just look at how many remakes of old movies we have now. The plot is very confusing I agree, while sometimes that's a good thing (like in "Memento" or "Mulholland Drive") it is not in this case.

Specific problems/questions about the plot that I saw:

1)Why were Officer Sancho(Cliffton Jr.) and Adel(Gooding Jr.) involved in the first shooting, where the innocent old man was killed? What were they doing there in the first place?

2)How would spilling his guts to IA relieve Sancho's guilt? He killed the old man himself, not the other cops.

3)How exactly are the other cops corrupt? What dirty deeds are they actually involved in?

4)What does killing Adel's girlfriend accomplish?

5)Were both Adel and Sancho supposed to die at the Canadian house in the original plan? If so why would the Lt. and the Capt. let Adel testify to IA? Why not just have some other guys kill him?

Giggidy! Giggidy!


>1)Why were Officer Sancho(Cliffton Jr.) and Adel(Gooding Jr.) involved in the
>first shooting, where the innocent old man was killed? What were they doing
>there in the first place?

Its relation to the plot is only that it sets up the haunting internal conflict that Sancho expeeriences through out the film.

> 2)How would spilling his guts to IA relieve Sancho's guilt? He killed the old
> man himself, not the other cops.

Thats pretty obvious. Sancho wants to come clean. He doesn't want to live a lie.

> 3)How exactly are the other cops corrupt? What dirty deeds are they actually
> involved in?

If I'm not mistaken Sayed and Rodriguez were the two other dirty cops that actually tried to kill adel and Sancho.

> 4)What does killing Adel's girlfriend accomplish?

Nothing, But retaliating against the family is a common mob tactic.

>5)Were both Adel and Sancho supposed to die at the Canadian house in the
>original plan? If so why would the Lt. and the Capt. let Adel testify to IA?
>Why not just have some other guys kill him?

If Adel and Sancho dies at either the Club, or Canadian house they would not have been able to testify.


those aren't plot holes. Just questions with available answers.


1. Sancho says in the beginning that they we're ordered to kill the gangsters.

2.When people testify their own guilt, there is a chance they may spill the beans on everybody else and sink the whole ship.

3.They never said what exactly the dirty dealings the corrupt cops did. But, when the 2 cops were sent to kill Sancho & Adel, they we're driving a nice car with rims and wearing expensive watches. Two items that are hard to come by on a cop's salary.

4.By killing Adel's girlfriend and Sancho's mother, the dirty cop's we're trying to put the squeeze on them to not testify against them to IA. This is after the whole setup went to crap.

5.No, they we're supposed to die originally at the Taco stand but we're sent on a mission/setup by Wycleaf. Thus, they we're never supposed to make it to testify before IA. The reasoning behind not killing Sancho and Adel themselves, let the drug dealers do the job for you.
