MovieChat Forums > Dirty Discussion > it was a profound movie

it was a profound movie

there was sence of hopelessness, but thats life in streets, if you've lived it you would better understand the movie.

reply are so lame...this movie was a wannabe "training day". worst dialog ever. cuba "Snow dogs" Jr. trying to be a denzel. hahahaha



I just saw this film a few days ago and thought it was really quite interesting. I liked the way it put in those visions of that dead fella - gave it a bit of a horror feel, which really worked for me. I was expecting a straight-to-rental training day rip-off, and although some elements were obviously ripped/inspired whatever ie some of cubas dialogue and persona, i thought it was original and loved the constant feeling of impending doom, i did'nt get bored for a second - Training day was a better film but i confess to finding some of it a bit dull. Soundtrack was a bit naff but yes agree with the OP i did find it strangely profound and its still going round in my head after about 3 or 4 days.


A person who has seen very few movies might find this one profound. This movie was pretty much a waste of film. If they would have spent less time on super-close-ups and jerking the camera around for no good reason, they might have spent more time on the acting and the story. This movie might impress 12 year olds, but once you get a little older, you want films of a higher quality. If you have to constantly jerk the camera around to add excitement, you're not doing your job. You should be flipping hamburgers, not making movies.



This movie was hopeless, but that's Hollywood, if you watched better movies you would understand this movie sucks ass.


"cuba "Snow dogs" Jr. trying to be a denzel. hahahaha"
Cuba Gooding makes obama look like lil wayne and wayne brady look like malcom x.
I don't know if it was harder to believe him as a cop or a black guy. It seemed like he hung around a lot of highschool cuzz *beep* to study for the role.


I agree, it was profound and a good representation of life on the LA streets.


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