No time to think!

There is an episode called "no time to think" the episode was several ones but the one that im refering to was most the for me suspensful. It was about the guy named Rob and he got what looks like in a fight and the doctor was also namer Rob, but then the patients heart rate started to increase. Then Dr. Rob found a stab wound and when he punctured it his blood spued out on Dr. Rob
and it got all over his body, and in his eyes. After he took a shower then he went to go consult with his patient about why he never metioned he got stabed. So his patient said that he got stabbed beacuse he told his boyfriend that he was Hiv+. Doctor Rob went to get tested but at the end he wasnt infected.
At least it was a good ending. I was thinking about being an E.R doc but its dangerous.
