girl with worms in her arms

Is this the show that had an episode last week about a guy who was bleeding form the ears and kept saying he was all jacked up and a girl (who looked totally out of it) kept saying she had worms in her body? And she actually had earth worm stuffed in her arms and had named them. My husand and I both fell asleep and I am dying to know what had caused these people to have these problems.



I'm not sure, but I know how it ended.


The man that was bleeding froms the ears had a bullet lodged in his brain, but fortunatly, did not kill him. He soon became very exhausted (which the doctors saw as a sign that his brain may be shutting down from the bleeding) so they put him through surgey. He had some swelling of the brain after surgey, but had a speedy recovery. Apparently, he was shot from afar, because if he was shot up close, he would have been dead.

As for the woman with worms in her arms, they never mentioned what exactly she had, but obviously, she was mental, and humans can bond with pretty much anything or anyone if they are desperate enough, or lonely enough. I guess the worms were like brothers/sisters to her, or like a blanket a young child carries around for protection. But, all of the worms were taken out, and she was taken into a facility where she got help.
previously mianlover, btw


The holes in her arms were most from not keeping clean. They were abscesses. Thinking the worms were her friends is most likely due to psychological problems. They did not say on teh show, they just admitted her with her worms on the psych floor.
