
I was watching The Soup and they showed a clip from this show about a guy saying his eye is bothering and when the doctor came in his eyeball was poping out and you can tell it was so fake, how does this show get a 7.5 on here.


Well ofcourse it was fake...I mean who in their right mind would pop their eyeball out just for a paycheck LOL. =P

"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe


Yeah, I know, also the acting was that in a soap show


The acting is horrible. It didn't used to be quite as bad but each season seems to get progressively worse.

"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe


It gets a high rating because it's funny! If I saw an eye like that for real, I would be franking out. But the reenactment was hilarious. Then at the end the nurse brought the doctor that cup of coffee and said "don't worry I rinsed out the cup" ( that was put over his eye)lol that was funny.


I'm sure they aren't spending their multi-million dollar budget on special effects and highly skilled make-up artists. Sorry that they disappointed you, special snowflake.
