"Twist and Shout" Season 9 Episode 19 BAD DOC
This episode was just wrong on so many things. First, Doctor Suzanne Felt, should have stopped talking the second the patient asked for a male doctor. She should have had Doctor W. Mark Felt,(or another male doctor) deal with the patient, and went to the lady with the blender on her hand. She should NOT have been present while Dr. Mark Felt was exanimating the patient, let alone being the doctor grabbing onto the patients testicles. Also she was adamant on saying, "She" when speaking about the surgeons gender, knowing that the patient wanted male doctors, this should NEVER have happened. Regardless of what the medical professionals "want" the patient is the one in charge of the medical care received or denied. If it was a female patient, and she asked for a female doctor, they would have been jumping on it in 2 seconds to find a female doctor...
Same gender care when asked for should be the top priority, and if they cant do it (Actually cannot do it, not the claim of not being able to do it because they don't want to bother with doing something the patient NEEDS) They should explain to the patient why they cannot meet the request of the same gender care (which obviously they could) and the patient can decide what choice they want to make.
The "fun" and joke like actions of Dr. Suzanne Felt, demonstrating the twisting of the testicles was not funny, and had a female patients condition be made fun of like that, the male doctor would have lost his job, and possibly his license.
For anyone that wants to REALLY learn about patient issues, and modesty issues google "Patient Modesty Org." it is a non-profit site, that raises awareness about Male AND Female modesty issues, and consent issues. You can also read about violations of consent to the patients as well...