Question about Italians

Why do Italians (especially from Jersey) think that it is so incredible that they are Italian? Jackie and Frank constantly brag about it just like every other Italian that has been on the show.

I wish someone would scream WHO CARES?!!!!



you seem salty towards italians.


They do the same thing here in Philadelphia. It seems to be a thing with people of Italian descent in Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York. They can't get it through their thick skulls that they're not Italian. It's even worse if their parents, grandparents, great grandparents came from Sicily.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.


It's what certain types of people do, not just Italians. It's no different than people that constantly brag about being Southern , from the "hood, or Irish, etc. Insecure people use their backgrounds and nationalities to cover up their shortcomings. There have been Italian contestants that didn't brag so much.

But yes, it's annoying.



I don't need a lesson in pc etiquette, I am well aware that other people with different backgrounds do the same and that they are obnoxious. I was not referring to them because I only saw Italians bragging on the show.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!๎€น


...or even worse their star sign.

yup,annoying as hell.


New York Italians are cool. At least they are a proud, hardworking ethnicity that helped build New York City. Jersey non-Italian wannabe posers on that Jersey shore crapfest of a show have given Italians a bad name, and most cast members weren't even Italian. Don't let The Sopranos fool you. Wiseguys don't live in Jersey either, it's just the dumping ground that Nyc wiseguys use to bury urm... evidence. If all the bodies in Jersey rose at one time, they'd have one hell of a population problem. The reason New Yorkers are always in such a bad mood is because the light at the end of the tunnel is Jersey.
But Italians?? Seriously? What about lazy Puerto Ricans who don't speak English and live off welfare and food stamps, but have the audacity to have their flag draped over their cars, blasting hispanic music and yelling "boricua" to every other hispanic they see with pride. Cause nothing screams 'pride' like living off the government. If you're gonna be proud of your ethnicity, that's cool. Just have something to back up the pride. Like actual Spaniards from Spain are a very nice, respectable ethnicity who took their cue from the Italians, who are btw, the original Latins. Love the Italians, ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น the Scottish, English, Irish, Jamaicans, Spaniards, Albanians, Africans, Brazilians, and the Greeks; the creators of pretty much everything. ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท But I'm an existentialist .

๎€” Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.๎€บ


I'm Sicilian. It's just my nationality. Like justrun said it's about obnoxious people, not their nationality.


No idea. Being Italian, I find it quite embarrassing.


Being Italian, I find it quite embarrassing.

Are you saying that you're Italian and embarrassed by it? Or are you knocking the Italians? Either way makes you sound loathsome.

๎€” Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.๎€บ


I believe the topic was why do Italians think they're so incredible because they are Italian. To that I say, I don't know, but I'm embarrassed. Embarrassed to be represented by the Italians who act like ass wipes on reality shows and give my nationality a bad name.

Really Wolfie? My avatar is an Italian flag. How can I be knocking Italians when I'm showing my pride.


You're original response was unclear. This was a much better response. I thought you were hating Italians or were a self-hating Italian and that was upsetting. And to be honest, the heart kinda takes away from your avatar looking like the flag. But don't let the douchebags (Jackie's a plant. Her "character" doesn't even exist) on this show or those losers from the Jersey shore make you feel shame. Let winners like Leonardo da Vincini, Michelangelo, Pavarotti, Bocelli, Martin Scorsese, F.F Coppola, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Mario Batali and Bugs freakin' Bunny make you proud. That's right Bugs Bunny! Have you heard him speak? lol! I'm even proud of the old school wiseguys. And that's without mentioning designers or the famous women like Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Isabella Rossellini, Madonna or Lady Gaga. Among many, many other amazing and proud Italians. ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

๎€” Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.๎€บ


Oooh. No I'm a very proud Italian. I just don't act or think I'm the shyt (haha)because I am Italian. I cringe every time I come across a new ass wipe.

Leonardo DiCaprio (only about 25% Italian) also makes me proud. I think he's a brilliant actor and I love how much he respects our Earth and animals. The money he donates to various organizations is staggering. .. Oh, I'd also like to add Sofia Loren. What class.

Okies, Ciao bella :)


I'm Italian and some of them do make Italians look bad. They have a chip on their shoulders.


'Ey, I don't think nunna youse is true Eye-talians like me!
