MovieChat Forums > Hell's Kitchen (2005) Discussion > There's really only 3 contenders

There's really only 3 contenders

We're down to the final 8, but I can't see how any more than 3 of the remaining contestants could actually win this: Ryan, Heidi and Andrew. Wendy has had far too many low points and is probably next to go, Devin and Paulie have been consistently inconsistent, Kimberly has only shows an ability to argue with people, and Heather...well, maybe Heather could be a contender. We just haven't seen a lot from her yet.

I guess I'd have to go back to the last few seasons, but it seems like this season was seriously short on real contenders. I think it's maybe finally gotten to the point where even I'm losing interest in the show.


Yeah the contestants are a joke these days. I think the last REAL winner was Christina. As for this season, it's going to be between Ryan and Heidi and Ryan will win hands down. I despise Andrew. That tobacco bulge in his lower lip is disgusting and he looks like a moron. If he doesn't quit he's going to lose his whole lower jaw to cancer.

"It's as much fun to scare as to be scared" -- Vincent Price


Andrew is an immature piece of trash, he could never run a functioning kitchen.
Being a leader is about being responsible. A guy that cheats on his fiance on national television has no idea what being responsible means.


You missed Top Chef season 5. The winner, Hosea Rosenburg was snogging Leah Cohen for half the season. Both of them were surprised when they got home and their partners broke up with them.

Despite his infidelity, Hosea has been very successful running a farm-to-table business in Boulder, CO.

You always forget this isn't a popularity contest. It's about running a kitchen. I've been binge watching the first 13 seasons of Top Chef again, and the chef judges on that show are no different than Gordon Ramsay when it comes to choosing a winner. There are certain things that a cook who carries the title of chef share and one of them is setting standards and not being concerned with pissing someone off if they mess up a dish.

In fact, I recommend you watch Season 1 Episode 1 of Top Chef. You will recognize many things that you see in Hell's Kitchen. And watch each season's Restaurant Wars if you want to get an education about winning and losing behavior in the back of the house. Tom Colichio isn't all that different from Gordon Ramsay when he talks about his expectations of an Executive Chef. They all get it, but the cooks they cast for Hell's Kitchen are in LA-LA land.

So look for who is functioning the best running the line. Who is calling out times and who is holding their teammates accountable? Forget personalities


Hosea Rosenberg, winner of Top Chef Season 5 was shagging Leah for half of season five.

He currently is the Chef-Owner of Blackbelly Market a farm-to-table business in Boulder, CO

So shagging someone has nothing to do with being a successful head chef. You talk about immaturity, but the immature chef was Matt. Follow that with the dingbat Kimberly, who argues with everyone and you have two candidates for the most immature chefs on this season.

They film these guys 24 hours a day. But EVERYONE has a life outside of their job. If their behavior isn't interfering with their ability to do their jobs, then it isn't anybody's business. If Andrew has a girlfriend, there will be fallout in that relationship, but it ain't gonna have any impact on his ability to work.

BTW, most of us remember that Holly and Jay were shagging each other for half of season 7. Didn't interfere with her ability to win the season and it didn't interfere with his ability to work after he left the show.

So put your immature attitude about people's sex lives aside and judge the competition on the ability of these chefs to put out quality food. That is the only thing that matters.


No idea why you replied to me twice, must be really desperate to get my attention.
I see you a lot on this board, and I haven't have many problems with you, but I've found that you seriously dislike it when somebody has a different opinion to yours. You need to calm down and not get so worked up.

I pointed out that I believe Andrew has displayed severe immaturity and irresponsibility and that it will hinder his ability to run a respectable kitchen. That's MY opinion, you're allowed to have an opposing view.

As for Matt and Kimberly, yes, they are both severely flawed as well, I never said otherwise.


Jimi, I agree with you. I certainly don't see Andrew as one of the "Top 3." In fact, I'd say it's a Top 2 of Ryan (who should win) and Heidi.

I must admit I was just thinking tonight, wondering if Andrew's wedding is still a go. I'd think his fiance would dump him, but then she did pick him in the first place, so . . .


Id say Ryan, Heather or Paulie. Prob in that order too


Ryan vs Paulie finale.


I could see that happening. Paulie has shown some skills, but he's been so inconsistent that I figure that will trip him up at some point.

Also, I do kind of wonder if they'd go three straight seasons with a female vs. female finale.


Wow, things have really heated up now. As far as Heidi goes, I don't see her as a contender anymore, she was quiet as a mouse when Ramsay told her to lead, that is not a good sign at all, she can't multi-task which is a serious problem in a busy kitchen.

Ryan has her flaws, but I still think she is the most competent competitor left, she's the only one really worthy of the win at this point.

Who she goes up against is the real question, and I think we can rule out Kimberly and Heidi.

I think top 4 will be Andrew, Ryan, Heather and Paulie.
As you said, they may opt to not have a female VS female finale again like the last few seasons, so I could totally see a Ryan VS Paulie showdown which has sort of been foreshadowed by their little personal war with each other. Seeing Ryan completely destroy Paulie in the end would be highly entertaining.

Of course seeing Heather and Andrew battle it out would be amusing to see as well, but I don't see both of them being the finalists.
