MovieChat Forums > Hell's Kitchen (2005) Discussion > The 'Back in line' fake out

The 'Back in line' fake out

This was very effective and surprising the first time it was done...back in season 2. Now about HALF the eliminations end with the fake out every season. It's not surprising or freah anymore, just stop. This show either needs a MAJOR revamp or needs to end.


You gotta admit that Paulies reaction was hilarious. He looked pretty pussed off and chef made him walk more than half way before saying back in line haha.


Yea, it's become extremely overused at this point. I feel like I can predict every time he's going to say it, but that's mostly because of the editing and the music.

I almost wonder at this point if he uses it to gauge the reaction of the person he'll tell to go back in line, just to see if they over-react negatively and give him more of a character profile. Yea, probably not.


I hardly think this one little thing means the show "needs to end." Yes, we all know it might be a fake-out, but we still don't know when it is and when it isn't.


It's not this one thing. It's MANY things. The show hasn't changed AT ALL since it premiered. It's stale and predictable. Same men vs women, same challenges, same punishments, EXACT same restaurant/kitchens, same meals at dinner service, same prize, etc....


It's not exactly the same. the chefs were better and more mature in the earlier seasons.Lol


LOL true enough.


Well, when the ratings don't support the show (a/k/a not enough people are watching anymore) then the show will end. For now, sufficient people like it enough to watch, enough that the show's already been renewed for the new two seasons.

Still, you're a fan of the show and I can't fault you for wanting it to be better. At least they do change some things periodically, I did like the way they had the 6 of them compete for 5 black jackets; that was new.


I liked how even that felt fake, of course the 4 black jacket nominations were going to result in a tie and Ramsay would have to decide, that is a typical HK challenge edit right there! :D


LOL I KNOW!! I was sitting there saying my god please don't let this be a tie, please don't let even THIS end up in a tie.. and wouldn't ya know :P


I don't expect the show to get better. I accept that it's become a cheesy and corny show. But as long as it still makes me laugh, I'll keep watching it. Lol


I can understand that the concept has gotten stale, but resturants dont normally change their menus drastically from year to year, but kitchen staff does come and go. The menu seems to be a lot of Ramsey's 'signature' dishes and Hells Kitchen (Stage??) is his restaurant. It's all about Ramsey and who is in his world, not the other way around.


Yes but he's a world renowned chef. You'd think he could come up with something other than risotto, scallops and Wellingtons after 15 seasons.


I think he also chooses the dishes that are the easiest to screw up when flustered.


... same group of fools who don't bother learning how to cook risotto before appearing on the show...

I'm your Huckleberry.
