
It should have been between Heather and Heidi. Why did Ryan get into the finale? Ryan should've gone home. Anybody else agree with me?


I don't agree. I have always thought that Ryan is the strongest one. I was actually thinking that the finale should have been between Heidi and Ryan.


Me, too. Heather is mean, and she's not very classy.


What does that have to do with her skills. I would add 'ho' to the list but her skills seem solid. Actually I can't see anyone left running a kitchen.


Skills in cooking, maybe.
But skills in running a kitchen?
Based on the scripted junk they show you, I wouldn't want her running a McDonald's kitchen.


Agreed, I was also referring to her cooking. I have no faith in either one of them running a kitchen.


I don't agree. I have always thought that Ryan is the strongest one. I was actually thinking that the finale should have been between Heidi and Ryan.

Totally agree. So did a ton of facebook posts on the HK site. Way more than those who thought Heather should be in the final.

Heather is mean, and she's not very classy.
What does that have to do with her skills.

Here's what it has to do with: She's gross and low-class, consistently, offensively, trash talking, which Ryan never did. If I were in Vegas and thinking about going to that restaurant, I wouldn't do it if I knew Heather was the chef because her behaviour grosses me out. As I was watching, I was thinking her behaviour should be taken into account in deciding who wins because her actions and talk reflect badly on what is supposed to be a high-class restaurant.


I agree. It should have been Ryan and Heidi. I would have been good with either as winner.

To me, Heather just seems a tad on the nasty side.


I think Heidi should have been there. I was waiting for Gordon to give his reason for sending her home but he never really did.


I'm upset that Hedi got sent home too. Not a fan of Ryan but she's easy on the eyes.


I don't care for Ryan but she is easier to tolerate and see in a chef position than double dip Heather. Heather is not humbled enough to accept her flaws and to egocentric to believe she has flaws.

I have a very shallow reason for disliking Ryan but I admit it is shallow. Her eyebrows and lips are distracting for me. Her eyebrows are penciled in uneven and when she pushes her constant scowl on her face with her lips shut in a way she looks mad, even when she was eating lunch with Ramsay she had that scowl on her face.

Heidi, she was better than Heather IMO but then maybe it was her attitude that had me seeing her as better.

I cannot see Heather winning, she just does not carry herself in a way that speaks head chef. She is too arrogant.


Ryan's voice is what kills me. First time I heard it, I thought there was an 80 year old lady on Hell's Kitchen. WTF girl needs to stop smoking cigarettes.

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Yeah, she does talk like ashe's "special needs". But Heather is way to immature and socially messy.


I always thought it should be between Heidi and Ryan as well, but changed my mind after the latest episode. Heidi had the poorest performance out of the three and I was surprised that the other girls didn't nominate her.


I was surprised Heidi got the boot before Heather. I figured Ryan would stay; not to sound like a conspiracy nut, but she was clearly the most attractive of the bunch, so of course she gets to stay (that doesn't mean she can't cook, because she clearly can...but I just knew as the "hot chick" she was going to go far).

But I honestly don't see why Heidi got kicked over Heather. And while I know the show is creatively edited, Heather does say some nasty stuff about the other contestants. Can't say I like her much.

Whores will have their trinkets.
