MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > What do you want to see in the NuRTD era...

What do you want to see in the NuRTD era starting in 2023?

More camp like in the first few seasons?
Love story between the doctor and a companion?
The doctor's daughter?
Great two "Mommy?"
Jack...maybe his transformation in the face of boo?
Rose and Doctor 10 clone?


I really don't care, I gave up on NuWho in Moffat's early seasons, thought he was a convoluted shithead.


Doctor Trans. Changes gender every scene.


To be honest, I dont know. They have really run the show into the ground. I dont expect them to retcon the last few seasons, but some of the creative choices have been very poor. The Tennent Era was the peak new Who, so perhaps go back to what worked then. The casting will be the most important thing, and it will be interesting to see if Davies is willing to go back to a male doctor.


Just make it fun again.

Chibnall's need to attach a moral message to everything grew tiresome. I have nothing against episodes having something to say, but this overshadowed the show. Chibnall was far too heavy-handed with it, where sometimes it felt that he was writing moral messages for as long as possible, then spending a few minutes making it into a plot somehow. We get it. Pollution is bad. We don't need two episodes in one series telling us that.

And without meaning to sound like one of those boring bastards who calls everything Woke, I'm hoping he casts a good Doctor. Nothing against Jodie, and she plays the eccentric side well. But she just doesn't have the gravitas for the big facing off against villains scenes for me.

I'd have no problem with somebody like Jack coming back, he is almost an immortal too, but if he is there, there has to be a reason. He felt wasted when he was here before. The big reveal of him coming back was exciting, then he just stood round talking to Bradley Walsh for a bit and then vanished until the next series. It felt lame. Especially as he had been gone for so long.

Don't see much point in bringing any other RTD era companions though. Most of their stories have been told now, and there's no point in bringing back just for the sake of nostalgia. (Except for the 60th Anniversary maybe.) It would've been cool to see The Doctor's Daughter again, but I feel it's too late now. We've had three Doctors since she appeared, the time to bring her back has passed.

And if they could retcon that stupid Timeless Child nonsense, that'd be cool.


Yeah RTD will bring political messages, but he knows how to write them while as lately they have been written poor. I mean when you have to basically break the fourth wall and talk to the audience, you know it's a problem


I hope for none of the stuff you've mentioned well apart from good two parters.

The last thing RTD should do is try and recreate the past, or as some see it, glory days. I do think RTD will have only agreed to come back if he has new ideas and a new vision, and I think he'd want to do something different, using the experience he's gained from his other shows.

What I want mainly is good writing - If there's a political message, make it gel well, and not seem forced or like your shouting at the audience. Also show, don't tell - Chibnall is bad at telling us stuff rather than showing us, and this is visual media.

I'm not a fan of the doctor getting romantically involved with their companions, but if they have to do it, make it different from what we've had - and as someone who was never big on Rose, (certainly after series 1) please don't bring her back, her story has already been told. I'd love the next companion to be from a different time period to get us away from the usual 21st century companion. Also I can't see Jack returning for the foreseeable future due to the current issues with the actor


If they're gonna keep a female Doctor, make it credible.

Males and females have different brains. If you're gonna go gender bender, do it properly and represent the psychological effects of it, which run deep. How would be a non-woke and well done female Doctor? I think it would be quite close to how Frances Sternhagen played Dr. Lazarus in Outland (1981)

What's ridiculous is to have an actress imitating Matt Smith while playing a male with boobs, or even worse, an "upgraded" male with boobs.
