1. The Doctor’s Wife
2. Human Nature / Family of Blood
3. Blink
4. Midnight
5. Hell Bent
6. School Reunion
7. Vincent and The Doctor
8. Spyfall pt. 1
9. The Christmas Invasion
10. The Waters of Mars
Not great at listing things but will have a go. Its been a while since I've watched many of them. Wouldn't put skyfall in I don't think myself.
1. Blink - Moffat over used a lot of the concepts but this to me is simple and clever.
2. Midnight - shows RTD is a great writer. Really tense and reminded me sometimes of hitchcock.
3. Mummy on the Orient Express - just a great episode and really shows how clever the 12 doctor is when he has to think on his feet near the end
4. A Christmas Carol - love the way it plays around with time and a classic. Best Christmas special for me it's just fun, clever and a little bit wacky. This also for me brought some much needed magic to the show.
Now I'm getting to episodes I have not seen in ages and some of these might not be in the right order.
5. The doctors wife.
6. Hell bent
7 .human nature and family of blood although this is one I certainly have not seen in yonks and need to rewatch
8. The empty child and the doctor dances 9.name of the doctor
10 school reunion possibly
I'd also like to mention the crimson horror which I think is a highly underrated horror mystery type episode. Dalek is also great and Vincent and the doctor. I also really enjoyed the 2 parter under the lake and the flood and extremis and listen and a lot of others I just find it hard to put them in order
Blink has to be up there. As does Army Of Ghosts. (And Doomsday was good as well, but maybe a tad lower because the cliffhanger was hard to live up to.) Seeing that bickering match between Daleks and Cybermen was cool.
I enjoyed Utopia as a stand alone episode too. The Masters return was good.
Not sure I'd put SpyFall as amongst the best, but it's definitely been the best one for a while.
I quite like The Caretaker. Possibly not a top ten episode, but it came to mind. Due to Capaldi's bickering with Danny Pink. "You've made a boyfriend error" ha ha. And his sign warning humans to keep out.
Utopia is a good one just a shame we never got to see much of Derek Jacobi's master. Wasn't a massive fan of the caretaker probably not helped by the fact I wasn't that keen on Danny pink
Not sure if you've seen by the way but I run a small doctor who forum with areas to also discus non doctor who stuff. It's nice to see someone who isn't just shouting woke at everything so feel free to join us. It is quiet but I'm hoping we can grow a little
1. The Girl in the Fireplace
2. Blink
3. The Waters of Mars
4. The Girl who Waited
5. The Empty Child
6. Night Terrors
7. Human Nature / Family of Blood
Mostly Tennant's. One from Eccleston, one from Matt Smith, zero from Capaldi (which is a pity, if he had good scripts, he could have been one of the best Doctors), and zero from Nurse Whoke.
The girl in the fireplace is one I'll need to rewatch as it always seems to be a favourite but was never a massive fan. Waters of Mars was good but found night terrors a bit generic.
To name a few in chronological order:
- The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
- Human Nature / The Family of Blood
- Blink
- Voyage of the Damned
- Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
- Midnight
- The Eleventh Hour
- Vincent and the Doctor
- The Snowmen
- Flatline
- Heaven Sent
Forgot about eleventh hour which I do feel is one of the best new doctor introduction episodes. It's got stuff that later on gets used too much like the doctor just saying his name and people being scared but I think for a first doctor story it is okay and works well. Its fast paced with a good threat which I felt was missing from the women who fell to earth