MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Reviews are in - and they are FANTASTIC!

To be fair, the last series was pretty dreadful as this episode was a step in the right direction after that.


It was an uneven season but also unfairly maligned by those guys who can’t seem to construct a sentence without using the word “woke”.

They don’t realise how fucking boring they actually are.


Of course the reviews are fantastic. It's politically correct mainstream media. They gave fantastic reviews to the past season too. So, what's the news?


Politically correct my arse.

It was a great episode and you’re just being spiteful. As I said, boring.


Good luck on reaching 1500 comments!


You're right. 'Politically correct' is not the right term. It was beyond that. It was fully woke.


What is with this word woke everywhere these days. Apart from the doctor saying she'd had an upgrade and every other doctor thinks their latest incarnation is the best what was woke about it?

There where stuff about companies having more control but that is true and it's not the first episode to hint at this such as Oxygen.

I thought it was a great episode and it addressed some of the issues with series 11 which I thought was a bad series. The thing is the series wasn't great although it had some good stuff in there but it seems some of the "fans" just like to criticise for the sake of it throwing words at it like woke because that seems to be the thing right now.


People do it for two reasons as far as I can see peter, to discredit something representing themes they disagree with ideologically and to influence other people not to watch.

That’s the internet for you.

I have noticed your criticisms of the last season are fair and don’t seem based on any agenda, I appreciate that.

I just hope people aren’t turned off by the unfair negativity, it would be a shame because I agree with you spyfall was a huge step in the right direction.


That's the thing - if you dislike doctor who or where it is going fair enough - like you pointed out I disliked a lot of last series. The problem is it seems a lot of people just throw key buzzwords around rather than actually have a discussion.

For example - when debating about critical correctness on the show someone on YouTube pointed out my favourite doctor, Jon Pertwee, had a lot of what people would class as political. It might be slightly different watching back as someone who wasn't born till 89 and might not see all that stuff, but I cannot deny the show has done political. I just found series 11, certainly the trump episode, did it in a too obvious way - as someone else stated, threw an anvil on top. Political stuff can work, but it helps if there is a bit of subtly to it and importantly a point.

I just wish people would have a discussion rather than going it's woke.


You could just look at the Imdb ratings. 8.01 is 7.3. Season 7 goes from 5.1 to 7.1! Check back Mon for 8.02's rating.
