MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Clarification needed on TARDIS cliffhang...

Clarification needed on TARDIS cliffhanger - Spoilers

Not sure I get it. Did she hit the wrong button? She seemed happy -- and fully aware, unlike last regenerations -- as she was hitting it. Did the energy from the regeneration screw things up? Did I actually see the TARDIS shake her out, like she was a handful of peanut shells??


The TARDIS was damaged by the regeneration energy, and the Doctor is always a bit loopy after he regenerates. So it's actually not clear if she hit the wrong button, or if the TARDIS malfunctioned after the right button was hit.

But I expect the TARDIS will find the Doctor again, once it fixes itself.


Yes, I trust in the TARDIS for sure. Or in someone else with a very agile spaceship.


I had thought that it might just have been bad timing. Or some nefarious goings-on, taking advantage of the moment.
