MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > The only thing worse...

The only thing worse...

Than Ultra wealthy snobs are ROYAL ultra wealthy snobs.
Yeah, this wasn't an authorized biography but i bet in real life the queen would suck to be around.
So worried about the 'look' of spending lavishly when it comes to others, but i doubt she's ever had so much as a thought when money is spent toward her comforts.
I can't believe this world still has actual royalty. It's obscene and gross to have to revere another human as if they're some god. I wouldn't even want to do that to a REAL god!


I really don't appreciate or care for the whole royalty thing either, but if that makes them happy how does that affect you?

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


Who has to revere the Queen?

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


Not me.

That whole family is nothing more than British Kardashians in my eyes.

But whoever is on the 'throne' does have some actual power... and that is totally undemocratic.

It's been a while since I watched this movie though, so I don't recall what set me off.

So be it. It ain't my country anyway.

Let them eat cake.


Senaible people do not revere the royal family as gods. But having a constitutional monarchy works well for us, saves us the bother of having a president. the queen does a good job as head of state and is good value for money. we tried being a republuc once and didn't like it, have never felt inclined to,repeat the experiment.


agreed, it's embarrassing seeing grown men and women behave like this

so many movies, so little time
