MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > I'm reluctant to see this, but, I want t...

I'm reluctant to see this, but, I want to.

I'm one of the few people who didn't idolize Princess Diana, and I'm wondering if this is going to be a glorified version of her death. I'm also not a Helen Mirren fan, I just want to see "lord Airlie", but, not if he has a minor role. Or, better yet, if there's any clips of the scenes with him in them, that would be better.


Based on what you said, it's OK to see the film. Diana's death is told from the perspective of how the royal family, Prime Minister and the public reacted to the event, rather than the event itself. The details of her being killed are not gone into.

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra


The film is more from the Queen's point of view and is generally sympathetic towards her.


It gives the perspective of the Royal family, mostly the Queen. It does not vilify Diana but it gives a fair perspective of how she was not the saint she is often portrayed to be. It gives the the Royal family a fair amount of believable sympathy and not portrayed as heartless as Diana often led people to believe.


Heartless ... not even close .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


I was never a fan of the queen. And I got that opinion because of the way people spoke about her during Diana's death. (I was 15) I had never formed my own opinion and wouldn't go out of my way to read articles about her... Until I watched this film. I watched it while working on a dementia unit and someone had brought in the dvd (the oldies love the queen) the scene that moved me was where her Land Rover broke down (I won't ruin it in case you've not watched it)

I'm not a Diana sympathiser as I found she herself could be quite manipulative in what she portrayed to the press. After watching this I read up a lot about the queen and I actually have a lot more respect for her now that I have formed my own opinion. I'm a fan of her and I'm proud that we have a queen.
