MovieChat Forums > The Aristocrats (2005) Discussion > Why do so many of you assume this is a g...

Why do so many of you assume this is a good example of American humor?

It ISN'T. This is a joke told BETWEEN COMEDIANS. They challenge each other to make it dirtier. ANY comedy to be found in this joke depends ENTIRELY on the delivery, otherwise there is NO humor in it no matter what your nationality.


"Why do so many of you assume this is a good example of American humor?"


.........Possibly because it was made by an American studio, with about 90% American comedians? (I'm agreeing with you, by the way.)

Which probably has more to do with their budget limitations than any particular disinterest in British (or any other nationalities') sense of humor...)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


It is not a joke told between comedians either. That is a Hollywood-izing of the joke for the benefit of justifying the movie. This joke is no more told between comedians than comedians have lockers back stage as portrayed in the movie Punchline. Sure, many comics are familiar with the joke, but to pose that it is this "secret handshake" among comedians is just stupid. Well, it's a stupid movie, so what do you expect?


"It is not a joke told between comedians either."

Yes it is.


It really is. I should know, I am one and have toured with some famous names.

HELP ME!!! I need to know if I am alone.



Jeez I really had to work hard on that. (note the incredible sarcasm)
See now what I said there in brackets, though a little worn, is a great example of internet humour. Classic.



Prove he's wrong. :>

"Talking about music is like dancing to architecture." Frank Zappa

