MovieChat Forums > Suwingu gâruzu (2004) Discussion > MAKE THIS BOARD ALIVE AGAIN!!!!


Come on people you got to post more!! this movie is tooo good to be forgotten about!!! we should start up a message board about this movie and just talk about it!!!! some people like TokyoMonkey are okay but others posting in JUNE!!! come on!!!

didnt mean to offend anyone lol its just that i like this movie a lot and there is no one to talk about it with lol

sorry and thanks


please everyone i really like this movie and no one really posts on this board lol please?


ahh please come on people there must be some


Yeah Haider999 I love this film too-I've shown it to all my friends and they really enjoyed it.I'm really surprised it hasn't been given a wider release.Did you know there's a DVD available of the Swing Girls live in concert?

I don't have it but I'm tempted!


hey tokyomonkey!! thanks for replying ive been waiting for ages for someone to reply lol. id nearly given up hope. its just something about this movie that makes you love it dont you think!! i want to buy the original but its like $60!!!! plus i live in the UK hard to get lol. did you buy the dvd with the extra features and stuff? if so is it any good i would like to know lol

i think ive sent you a personal message (tokyomonkey) but im not sure how to check if youve sent one back lol



The live concert is very very good. You're out of luck though if you don't speak Japanese, no subtitles.


do you speak japanese? i want to get it but i aint sure if i should? that sucks that it has no subtitles whats the point!!!! is it a bit of a movie as well or just them playing? does it have interviews etc


the first disc is the concert, but each of them have a couple of minutes to speak, followed by Ueno Juri reading a letter to Shinobu. The second disc is extras. They have clips of them introducing themselves, what the said on the first night of the concert, interviews, and a behind the scenes which will probably be just as interesting if you don't speak Japanese and are a big fan. The behind the scences basically follows them throughout the day from arival to showtime.


wow cool thanks!! could i chat to you about it a bit more lol?? on msn messenger or via email? a lot easier plus i just want to know a bit mroe about it? sorry if thats invading your privacy or anything you just seem cool!


No, thats okay. Yeah sure, email me of something.
erinkelly and sickskater are both me, I forgot I was on a different computer.


. . I absolutely loved this movie too!!! (so much so in fact that i bought the Limited Premium 3 disc DVD version) :0

the scene with the wild boar is absolutely hilarious!! :)))

P.S. wanted to know too what the concert dvd is like and if it is worth getting?. . screw it!, i'm gonna get it anyway! :)))


Lucky you!! The 3-disc limited box set is next to impossible to find nowadays. I just order the 2-disc version and hope to get it in early Oct.

The live concert DVD makes a nice addition. Be warned though - it is in Japanese with no subtitles, and Motokariya (lead trombone) is missing from the gang. They are a little out of practice because Kanjiya can no longer hit the high note in "Sing Sing Sing" - maybe that's because she didn't stick the mouse back on her trumpet.


hey sickskater i dont actually have your email address lol i know i asked for it ages ago but im back now could you give to me so i could chat abit more about movies and stuff?
