Hugo Weaving's accent

In the trivia section of this site, it says that Hugo Weaving's accent is based upon British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. I listened to Wilson's voice on youtube and I can hear some similarity. Did anyone else think, like me, that Weaving's voice sounds like it was modeled after Ronald Colman?


He really doesn't sound anything like Harold Wilson!


I don't really know if he sounds like Harold Wilson or Ronald Coleman, but I must say Hugo has the most sexy voice ever! Not being able to see his face, made his speech that much more sensual as he had to put all his emotion into speaking as opposed to acting/gestures etc. If I were Evey I would have followed him anywhere!😘

"the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"


I've been told I sound very similar to Hugo actually.
We have almost the exact same accent.


In some scenes, he sounded a little like Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow to me. :D

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!



Throughout the whole movie I was thinking how much his accent is similar to voice actor Christopher Miller in the Professor Layton games, or maybe it's just me 😁
