Is this movie any good?

I haven't seen it yet


It's phenomenal


I'm actually watching it right now for the umpteenth time. It is one of my all time favorites.


It's one of my favorite comic book movies ever.


It's amazing. I own it and watched and rewatched it so many times. I always find something new about the movie I like and at this point my list of reasons why I like it has become very long. Easily one of my favorite movies of all time


I'm watching it now for the first time and it is absolutely incredible! If you haven't seen it yet, then I strongly recommend it.


It's horrendous. If you are a fan of the source material then stay clear of it. It's a typical Hollywood shafting of an intelligent and thought provoking Alan Moore masterpiece. This film missed the mark on so many levels.


Movies are rarely ever as good as the source material. If that's the bar then steer clear of all movies that are not "original screenplay" rather than any sort of adaptation. I think you're wrong though in that movies can be considered on their own merits regardless of their source. A perfect example is The Shining, the movie and the book have very little in common other than name and basic facts. Both are excellent in their own way.


Awesome. Screw the source material when the movie is SO good.


And that just about sums up everything that is wrong with Hollywood.

