MovieChat Forums > V for Vendetta (2006) Discussion > Such an awful adaptation of the comic

Such an awful adaptation of the comic

... and a mediocre standalone film.

I realise it's "cool" to like this film because the hero wears a Guy Fawkes mask and the Guy Fawkes mask has been co-opted by Anonymous and protest groups.

That doesn't make this a good film, though.

I'd love to see the comic readapted as a TV series and some respect given to Alan Moore's writing (and the audience's intelligence).


Who cares about the comic, this is a bad movie. I don't get why people are all worshipping VfV.


I actually thought it was a remarkable adaption. They did an incredible job of consolidating a LOT of story and characters into a cohesive narrative that kept the essence of the book(with the exception of the bleak ending, though I prefer the optimistic ending of the movie, "as only celluloid can deliver") and they even added that brilliant opening monologue by V, which is praise worthy on it's own.


It's the only Alan Moore adaptation that I actually prefer to the original - and I'm a huge Moore fan.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


I prefer the film as well. I liked Watchmen and thought it was a very faithful adaptation, but I think that story worked better in the graphic novel format, same with Killing Joke. I heard they botched League of Extraordinary Gentleman, though I haven't seen or read it.


I heard they botched League of Extraordinary Gentleman, though I haven't seen or read it.

Yeah, that is a pretty poor movie. I thought Snyder did a great job with Watchmen and I liked the animation of The Killing Joke (apart from the tagged-on Bagirl prologue).

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


I saw the movie before reading the graphic novel, and I though the movie was great. There's definitely a lot of changes, but I think the story is just as compelling, and Hugo Weaving + Natalie Portman were great.

33, white, male, straight.


Such an awful adaptation of the comic

Well, that is pretty bold statement, coming from you, the guy who gave Batman 1989 nine out of ten. I mean, that movie is completely faithful to the comics, right?..


Batman has been published since 1932.

V for Vendetta was a limited series.

Do you understand why adapting a character with 85 years worth of stories for the screen differs to adapting ONE story?

Probably not, because you are a moron...


Batman has been published since 1932.

V for Vendetta was a limited series.

Do you understand why adapting a character with 85 years worth of stories for the screen differs to adapting ONE story?

Not when the character has consistent history and consistent set of rules. The length of the source material does not justify major changes that were done to it in Batman 1989.


Batman *doesn't* have a consistent history, you nimrod...
