Movie in the Lou...Black Hole
It is always nice to see a production filmed on location in St. Louis. It is a great town to film a movie, with plenty of good landmarks and eye-catching sites. The "Quantum Research Lab" is actually the St. Louis Science Center, which gets completely destroyed along with downtown including the late great Busch Stadium and the giant Gateway Arch. The scenes of destruction of famous landmarks haven't been seen too much lately on television in this manner, so the effects for the viewer are heightened.
Overall, it was a movie for the sci-fi viewer. The same one who watches movies about giant killer mammals, bugs and birds. Black Hole at least gives viewers something different and much more interesting to look at. It is a good movie with decent effects combined with a fantastic location. Im sure viewers in Missouri appreciated seeing their city featured on TV. It killed me to see my favorite city in the world be destroyed by the Black Hole.