My D.A.H. Demo review.

For those of you interested in Destroy All Humans, you might want to pick up a copy of the June issue of Official Xbox Magazine. It contains a demo disc with Destroy All Humans featured as one of the demos. After playing the demo I can say I'm definately looking foward to the full game. It is ofcourse by the same developers who did Mercenaries and has very similar features. The ragdolls are great and are applied to nearly every living character including humans...cows..chickens..etc. Explosions, smoke, building damage, and other particle effects are very much in tune with the quality of the Mercenaries destruction effects. That makes for some nice action. The demo allows you to do a small portion of what I would assume to be the first mission in the game. Crypto's UFO lands in a remote mountain area right next to a large farm. It is Crypto's mission to find and make contact with the dominant earth species...So the fat-headed alien seeks out the first earth creature he sees..which happens to be a cow in a field of cows. With the communication between Crypto and Cow not being successful, the fat-headed alien loses his temper and destroys the cows, alerting some farmers in the house near by. Obviously you can't let them get away with seeing you..and the rest is pretty self explantory. After completing the on-foot objectives you'll be given the opportunity to pilot Crypto's Flying Saucer for the last objective in the demo. All in all, a very satisfying preview of what should be a great game with plenty of fun to be had. I found myself using telekineses to play with the ragdoll characters, try smashing them against's good fun :)
