Had a weird dream

I had a dream about myself playing the Destroy All Humans! 2 game. I was playing it as Crypto-137 and I had resently shot a man whom had ran into a building. I followed and went into the building and thusly had to change myself into a maid. I went to the elevator and went up to the fifth floor. I encountered the man, whom was making love, and killed him. Afterwards I was diverted to my real life. It really frightened me, because I was now in the game helping Crypto.

Is this normal?

http://Punk16.proboards42.com The home of Freddy Krueger.



That's only a little unbelievably creepy.


OIn the subject of Werewolves and similer monmsters. In the game they could be the reults of alien experiemation on humans and canines or other animals.

Would be cool idea actualley.
