What is the game like?

Is it like Grand Theft Auto with aliens???


No, But I do wish it was more like the Rock star nOrth game at times.

Crpto isn't cappable of hopping into any of the earth vechiles himself and driving them. Though he PK them all over the place. It would be interesting to see him mvie around on bicycles, tanks trucks, helicopters etc.

It would al;so be nive if he was able to roam more freely like the otyher game, rather than be locked into the town area that he is invading at the time.

I though Area 42 Base in this game alot more impressive than GTA: San Andreas's Mexico: Area 51 base.



Thanks both of you


Well, according to Wikipedia, it's similar. In my opinion, in some aspects yes, others no. All in all, very entertaining.
