Mars Attacks! / Destroy All Humans!
***May contain spoilers***
I have heard many theories concerning how Tim Burton's 'Mars Attacks!' is similar to 'D.A.H!' two excellent products of humorous sci-fi. I have therefore decided to list the similarities.
-Hillbilly/Farmer Harold Turnipseed. (They both mistake cattle mutilation for BBQ)
-President Dale/President Huffman. (Both killed and they sound a bit the same)
-General Decker/General Armquist. (Epitome of trigger happy American general. They hate aliens i.e NUKE 'EM!!! and they both come to a sticky end.
-Natalie Lake/Miss Rockwell. Dumb blonde who is abducted by the aliens.
-Legs extend on landing.
-They land in almost exactly the same spot in front of the Washington D.C Capitol.
-Death Ray
-Highly advanced craniums
-Reading minds ability
-Lack of genitalia
-They have an interest in Earth women.
-Assassination of President
-Disintegrator Ray has practically the same effect.
-Both of the titles have exclamation marks at the end of them.
-Washington Monument is destroyed.
-Stuff with cows (you know what I mean!).
-Attempt with atomic/nuclear weaponry is foiled.
-Rocking cars/caravans due to mutual horizontal enjoyment of 2 peoples' company (i.e sex)
-Giant robot (Robo-Prez and the Martians' one)
-Danny DeVito's voice is similar to that of the workers in Union Town.
-Crypto 137's voice is like Jack Nicholson's.
I hope you have enjoyed going 'Oh yeah, I remember that!' at this and I thank you. :-)