If they make a sequel to this HOT game I hope that they have more things. Here are my ideas.
More weapons (Shrinking ray, freeze ray, building vaporizer, slicing ray and enlarging ray to enlarge insects for on foot and abducto beam that really abducts, super deconstructer, and super-death ray for the saucer and of coarse the regulars) More cities (Worldwide like London, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo, Cairo, Sydney, Hong Kong, Mexico City and the other regulars but more U.S cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles) Choosing to have a fleet of saucers to attack or bodyguards. "Walk to saucer" is always a hypno command. Actually drive cars. Go into buildings and for the death ray the bottom of the saucer opens up and those firing mechanisms like from Earth VS The Flying Saucers come out and you aim and fire.
Have Pox into the game. He could come down from time to time to help Crypto. Also, have Cryptosporidium 136 come back. He wasn't killed after all or they recloned him. They should allow you free movement and going into buildings and stuff. Also, I'd love to run people over in the car. There should be more cities to land on. Like Moscow, Paris, Rome, Turkey, Taj Mall, South America, and africa. I'd also like to see this:
Crypto walking up to a car that is bouncing up and down. He looks in and the people inside scream. He then blows them up. Pox becomes obvious and comes down. They should also put a little punishment in it. Like Crypto doesn't do a mission right and when he returns to the mothership, he gets five lashes.
I totally agree with 'true_to_your_heart'! It is an amazing game and I have the same opinions/queries. In answer to 'bedroom tailscarlet', I just hypnotised the Mayor asleep and then holobobbed his body and went out to talk to the crowd. Hope that's helpful! Also to 'poopymcanus', where did you get ur strategy guide from as I cannot find the rest of the probes in Area 42 and I've completed this level 84% or something. Has anyone else had the same problem as me?: I destroyed a house in Santa Modesta and there is a probe in the wreckage but I cannot get it!!! It is extremely frustrating and I have tried every way possible to get into the wreckage but it doesn't work. If you can help please do! To 'star wars fan 77', I've destroyed 31,560 humans.
It is 1986, more than 40 years after Crypto attacked. The Furons are still above Earth's atmosphere when Pox decides that his best friend Crypto should run amok some more but worldwide. But majestic agents have taken positions in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America, waiting for Crypto to strike. As Crypto does his missions Pox sends an urgent message during one mission in the middle. Scientists in Tokyo are making a secret weapon which could kill all Furons! So thousands of Cryptos man saucers and float towards Earth. Major cities are being attacked. And the big climax happens when the weapon in Tokyo is about to be fired and Pox has been kidnapped!!! So Crypto must search every building in Tokyo with the halp of many other Crypto's. The weapon is going to be fired an about 12 hours. They manage to get Pox who was being held captive on Bay Bridge in Yokohama. The weapon is destroyed and the Furons attack!!!! And then after the game you can have either fleets of ships to attack or just yourself.
I want to get rid of the character Pox. I am sick of his voice and he is annoying.
Do away with this character and have crypto working for himself.
The thing I hated most about this game was that when you got to fly your own saucer. it didn't feel right. Not like I have flown a saucer before, myself, but I have played quite a few flying sims. In this part of the game the scout saucer feeels like it has no balls. Your pushing a saucer around on a 2-D plane. You can only land it where the game tells you to and when ever you try to fly to diffrent area, POX tells you to return to the mission area regardless of having finished the main mission or not. It would be cool to have complete 3D control over the saucer. So you can take it high or low. Imagine flying low over the city streets. It would also be cool if the game would let you fly all the way to the Mothership manually. Instead of just pressing the button 'Return to Mother ship.'
The upgrades part of this game is very stiff. I'ts like the game is doing the most of the descison making here. It would be great if there was more cutommsiation here.
Having a customisable saucer would be cool also. Being able to purchase and fit a 'Extra large Cargo Bay' (For abducted animals and humans), 'Extra Energy Shields', other weapon mounts. As you may guess, I use to play alot of 'Elite'. A abducto ray that actualley abducts. ( Providing you taking something that is smaller enought to fit indside the hull of your ship.) Another feature I would like to see is perhap bigger saucer that Crpto can enter and walk aroun in side of. It would have diffrent areas like cargo bay, holding cells, sleeping quarters, mess area, operating room, engineering, cockpit.
I thought that landing the saucer in obivious places, like... next to a house on the farm, on a beach not far from where people are or the parking lot of Bowling Alley seem like a ridiculously stupid places to land Crytos precious means of escape if things got to hot for him. Though I still do understand that this may be just the developers way of placing tongue firmly in cheek. It's not a serious game after all. It would be cool to have a Cloaking upgrade. It's only natuiral that the army, cops will start shotting at the thing and destroy it or the Majestic guys would find it and steal it for research. A fully working Saucer is would be high on their list of wants. Anyhow, my idea for a Cloaking system would be that it shuts down when ever Crpto engages the weapons systems on board. That is, that it would be able to fly around undetected until it startes shooting and once it is in the cross hairs of ground to air weapons systems then it would have a tough time shaking them off.
Another fine idea would be that Crpto can choose to land it where ever he likes. The presence of caves, other similer areas would be ideal hiding places for the saucer. If you are in a heavily populated area like Santa Modesta. A good hiding area would be hard to find. But surely the presence of deserted caves would be great idea. Sort of like a larger version of the lighthouse cave in the 'Abduct a telvision personality misson' The next step would be be able to build some sort of defence perimeter around your ship. Like your own gun turrets, and energy fences, energy mines, robots by gathering resources like scrap metal from ruined enemy vechiles ( using you onw PK ability.) to use as raw materials to refine and make into other stuff. Do your own research for gun upgrades and replenishing your own ammo ( Distintergrater rays and Ioniser bombs.) As I never liked the idea of just being able to find that stuff lying around on enemy territory. Abduct humans and animals to study and make radioactive zombies or other monsters to help you on you misson.
It would also be cool and more feasiable if Crpto was part of a team of Furons sharing the same saucer. You control one, and the others follow. You would be able to give them simple instructions or alternate control between them. Each one could have a signature ability of area of speicality that would go down well for certain missons. Other furons not directly under your control could be given alist of instuction and offencive and defencive priorities while they follow your main Furon around in a close knit group. Perhaps the number of Furons could be increased later on in the game when Crypto has researched, obtained a cloneing device. The more Furons, the merrier, but on those stealth missons, the others can be left behind on guard duty. They could be trained to shoot and dodge using evasive measures. Points earned could be put into vacant slots on their abilities.