
i've been looking at the posts and in almost every one i see 'thank god my parents homeschool me so i don't have to deal with this.' or 'you couldn't pay me to set foot in a public school and they should get rid of public schools.' my personal opinion is that while yes, i can see where they're coming from, high school/public schools do teach you how to deal with some of these things. and movies overdramatize the situations to some extint. while yes there is bullying, you can still make friends even if they are the 'weirdoes' or 'outcasts'(and yes i am friends with the 'weirdoes' and 'outcasts' and i'm proudly one of them! never happier.)though they don't have to be the 'weirdoes' or 'outcasts' or w/e. what are your thoughts?

A person doesn‘t just wake up and stop loving somebody! Love is forever.-Buffy


I agree, this is jsut another reaons why the Public School system is retarded.

Parents should raise their children not the state.

Vote for Ron Paul


uhhh, JaredThaJa33, you're actually disagreeing with what the OP said

You didn't have to do it but you did it to say that you didn't have to do it but you would anyway.


There are a number of reasons I oppose Public Schools, it is the Parents responsibility to raise thier Children, and this is one of the reason their becoming Lazy.

I was Public Schooled for the 7 Years then Home Schooled for the last 5, I learned nothing in the firs t 7 years, absolutely nothing.

Nothing is this film was over dramatized if anything movies usually Water down how bad bullying can get, and often just make a joke out of it, liek that Stupid Mean Girls movie.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"


But the parents can't always raise their own kids because of work, especially single parents. just because they can't homeschool their own kids doesn't mean that they're lazy. and bullying isn't as bad in certain schools. from 3rd-8th grade i was bullied, then i got into highschool and i've nvr been happier! and i would refuse to be homeschooled because i wouldn't be able to stay with my parents all day long!! and again when you're talking about not learning a lot, it depends on the school and the teachers.

A person doesn‘t just wake up and stop loving somebody! Love is forever.-Buffy


If you can't do it don't be a parent.

The School System makes kids stupid and scars them for life.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"


so what about you? are you going to homeschool your kids(if you have any right now. if not possible future kids.) and shelter them for the rest of their lives? what about college? what'll happen when they have to deal with a bunch of people all of a sudden and they might not have a lot of experiance with meeting and enteracting with other people their own age? and just because someone isn't able to homeschool their kids doesn't mean they shouldn't be a parent. i honestly pity the kids that are homeschooled but that's just because i'm so beyond glad that my parents are sending me to a public school. i just really love it a lot more than having to spend all day with them and they wouldn't have been able to homeschool me because of their know 'cause people do need money and all that.

A person doesn‘t just wake up and stop loving somebody! Love is forever.-Buffy


Although I wouldnt go back to high school for anything in the world, I'm glad that my parents didnt home school me. There's memories and experiences that you gain being in school w your peers all day that you just can't get at home. Although Im no genius, I certainly learned enough in high school to get into a decent college, and thats where I really started learning things.


yes! thank you TMichelle4050. that's exactly what i was trying to say!

A person doesn‘t just wake up and stop loving somebody! Love is forever.-Buffy


But ti's net worth the Psychological scaring it does ot to many kids.

The Public School system was devised by the Prussian Empire for the purpose to dumbing down its population.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"


kids that are homeschooled tend to have a harder time interacting in social situations. Maybe public schools scar kids for life, but in good and bad ways. Being homeschooled is going to make one socially awkward for the rest of their life which is a bigger scar than anyone I can think of from high school. If I were homeschooled how would I know how to talk to kids and keep a conversation going? You never have to do that with your parents. And the inability to homeschool your kids is not laziness, people have jobs.


I know a couple people who are homeschooled and they are the biggest brats I've ever met and they think that they are better than everyone else and can use people for anything they want and then ditch them. I'm not stereotyping because that is just what they learned from their parents and they didn't really have anyone their own age to show them how to actually treat their friends right. I'm not saying this is true in every case though I have seen it more than enough times to at least know what I'm saying.

Secondly, the public school was not made for the purpose of dumbing kids down but as northernchill1020 said, to learn how to interact with other people and to learn how to deal with things. A lot of it depends on the parents when it comes to homeschooling. You sound as if your parents were good when it came to teaching you, but others might not be able to get points across or they could be pushovers and let their kids do whatever they want without teaching them at all.

As for the Prussian Empire creating the public school system, I could not find anything on it. I read about the churches supporting the education and England coming up with the first tax-funded school around 1643. I would honestly like for you to give me a website(besides Wikipedia) about the origin of public schools.

A person doesn‘t just wake up and stop loving somebody! Love is forever.-Buffy


People are socially awkward for lots of Reasons, that validity of an Education system should be judged on how well it Educates, and there is no denying that the Public School system fails to do that.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"


"if you can't do it then don't be a parent"?? ok...while you do make some good points, this is not one of them. A very small percentage of people in this day and age can actually afford to stay home and do homeschooling. You are right about some schools not being very good, and it is sad about kids doing stuff like bringing guns to school and shooting people, and bullying and even teachers doing bad things, but a very small percentage can actually do homeschooling simply because of other reasons. Think about how many people are not married or not together. There are many one parent families out there and how the heck would they manage to teach their kids at home and still make a living unless they had a LOT of money to begin with. It's no longer a reason of people not wanting to, it's simply because they cannot.


That itself is part of the Problem, that they've twisted society so that both Parents have to be working, that needs to be changed.

But still, my Parents manged to Home School me while they where both working, I pretty much did it myself, like Lincoln did, and then they checked to see how I did.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"
