no sense

The more I watch this movie, the less some things make sense. Now, I'll preface it with that I know it's a fluffy Christmas rom-com, so the issues I have are relatively small and easy to ignore. It's mostly just about the way people interact with each other in it. Like Chris didn't talk to his other friends at all after he left? Even though they were good friends. Because they're surprised by his appearance and had no idea where he was or what he was doing. He had no idea they had a kid. Seems like they'd have asked his mom. And Jamie at the beginning, "I love you (HUGE PAUSE, KISS ON CHEEK, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE) like a brother." Wow. If you don't feel the same fine, but be more tactful. And Jamie just inviting Dusty to the movie. And apparently no one having actual plans for Christmas Eve until phone calls at the last minute. It's like zero realistic communication. I could go on but I think you get my drift.


It is pretty realistic that even the closes of friends eventually fade away from each other sometimes in life, then come back to each other later on if it's meant to be. In Chris's case I think he just wanted to distance himself completely from everything that reminded him of his High School life after what happened at that party that we seen at the start of the movie. He was embarrassed in front of pretty much the whole school, his friends, and the girl he loved more than anyone else in the world. Having his crush revealed like that by the football star.

His mom probably wouldn't have known either because she probably hadn't seen him since back then hence why she screamed when he showed up to her door step after so many years. So yeah, thats my 2 cents on that.


Fair but his friends were openly sympathetic to him at the party and discouraging others' making fun of him.

And his mom says something about how he usually flies them out to LA for the holidays, so it sounds like they go see him once a year, but just not that year I guess
