Really good movie
Just when things start to get good in the characters' lives, things plummet, and there's some foreshadowing to the upcoming conflict when (1 Jim says "Let's go to Mexico" and (2 "We gotta celebrate this," Seeing as how Jim is somewhat of a dangerous person who can get into dangerous situations.
In my opinion their gig of pretending to be cops was freakin' hilarious, especially the part when he's got all the Mexicans on the ground and he's taking their wallets and he kicks trash-talking Pedro in the ass and knocks him over(I laughed my freakin' ass off).
Christian Bale's performance in this was really impressive and by now I realize how good an actor he is. I thought the story was really cool and unique; I thought it was just going to be an action film. The end happened fast, and it was disturbingly sad if you ask me.
Real drama. 7.9/10